Soohee Choi

Soohee Choi, artist, graphic designer, and founder of Ohamo Design, was engaged by Sobr Story to develop an original artwork for their inclusive design project "Inclusive To Me". Soohee was given the prompt "What does inclusivity in social settings mean to you?" and used it to develop this engaging and provocative piece.

“My passion for the arts was very natural. As a kid, I loved daydreaming and always found ways to express my imagination through writing, filming, and drawing.

"Everything I encounter in daily life inspires me—conversations, dreams, books—I believe anything can be a source of artistic inspiration. It's not limited to visual elements; it can be texts, sounds, and more"

You can view Soohee’s work on her Instagram accounts @Soohee.Design and @Ohamo_Official

The inspiration for "Just Dance"

Soohee drew on inspiration from Henri Matisse's Dance, traditional Korean dancing Ganggangsuwolrae, and Sobr Story's mission to create inclusive social drinking settings without the social pressure of drinking alcohol.

"I imagine individuals dancing immersed in the realm of trance. They intertwine through clasped hands, connecting and becoming one.

This act transcends eras and borders, offering a space where judgments based on differences are put behind. It is a society where people can unite and dance as one without judging each other."

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"Everything I encounter in daily life inspires me. Conversations, dreams, books—I believe anything can be a source of artistic inspiration. It's not limited to visual elements; it can be texts, sounds, and more." - Soohee Choi